Richland is a diversified real estate investment company with vast experience in land acquisition and commercial property investment. Richland uses a long-term investment horizon for holding land, multifamily, and industrial properties in key growth markets throughout the United States.
Richland Investments Property & Business Statistics

In total of owned industrial buildings


Future residential lots

Acres of land owned / controlled

CBRE National Partners
"We have had the pleasure of working with the Richland team flawlessly on the Buy and Sell side for nearly a decade now. They have quickly become well known in the industrial space for their ability to navigate complicated entitlements and will be a significant provider of entitled land for years to come across many regions"

Province West Land Brokerage
"Richland is an internally financed real estate investment platform composed of a team of professionals with experience operating in all market conditions, across multiple asset classes, and within a variety of geographies. Uniquely capitalized with key decision makers integrated into all aspects of the business, the firm has the ability to rapidly evaluate opportunity, adapt, and execute - consistently demonstrating skill in converting vision into value."

The Hoffman Company Land Brokerage
“Richland has evolved into one of the largest and most successful land developers in California. We’ve had the pleasure of representing Richland as both a buyer and seller of multiple real estate asset classes throughout our 25+ years working together. Richland’s executive team consistently performs on schedule solving complex issues to enhance land use and value”

Land Advisors Organization
"Richland is an industry leader because of its great team and decades of experience. They can act quickly and decisively due to their streamlined decision making and unique capitalization."

Land Investment
Throughout its 40+ year history, land investment has been at the forefront of Richland’s business plan. Richland currently owns over 25,000 acres of land of various asset types in multiple states.
Richland’s vertical Industrial team invests in projects throughout the US, with a focus on the rapidly growing Sunbelt regions of the United States. Richland concentrates on core locations within large markets, targeting multi-tenant, shallow-bay industrial buildings; small to mid-size single-tenant warehouse/distribution buildings, and industrial outdoor storage facilities.
Richland’s multifamily division has a proven track record of developing and acquiring distinctive for-rent product in some of the best U.S. markets. Richland’s deep land holdings, entrenched local relationships, and local knowledge provide a unique opportunity to source the best for-rent and joint venture opportunities in the marketplace.
Richland focuses on well located, path-of-growth retail locations that can support a variety of tenants. Most of Richland’s sites are located near or within large master planned communities with thousands of new housing units planned over the next decade.